The following types of embroidery are developing today, including security head embroidery, shadow embroidery, bench lace embroidery and ribbon embroidery. Embroidery activity has long been known in human life. In fact, the age of embroidery can be considered the same as the invention of clothing, which has been around for thousands of years. The inhabitants of various countries have also been known to embroider.
Historical evidence has shown that the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians and Jews had long applied embroidery to adorn their dresses. Sullam or embroidery as it is called is a decoration made on the surface of a cloth or other material with sewing needles and cords. In the past, embroidery used a more basic cotton thread material. However, at that time, embroidery was developed with thick and stiff nylon tape and nylon cord.
The fabrics and cords used for embroidery differ depending on their place and place. For thousands of years, cloth or wool, linen and silk wire have been used for embroidery. In addition to wool, hemp and silk threads, modern embroidery uses cotton or radiation embroidery. In general, embroidery with thread uses some basic stitches such as skewers, delays, traces, crosses, flannel, raiders, chains, attached wires, rods, etc.
Basic Stick Type
Basic Stick Type
The final result of embroidery can be divided into the following.
- Flat embroidery, the result of a flat embroidery with a cloth surface.
- Terawang embroidery (Filigree), the result of embroidery with holes like a dream.
- Embroidery occurs, the results of the embroidery form a texture on the surface of the fabric according to the pattern made.
In Malaysian society, especially those of West Sumatra, Sulaman influences women's lives. Minang women must have embroidery skills because children are provisions for future skills. Even though it's done with a technique that isn't easy, women don't think it's a burden. As a result, in this area, many types of embroidery have developed various types of embroidery with unique and unique names and manufacturing styles.
The following types of embroidery are currently developing,
1. Head Pints ??Sulaclees
Spindle embroidery is embroidered with a texture that resembles the head of a small nipple.
West of Sumatra, Pentoule's colorless needles are called Pinti.
Head the de la pin on the textile profession
2. Shadow Shadow
Shadow Shadow is a type of embroidery with fabric installation techniques.
Color fabric is placed inside or on the bottom of the base fabric, while embroidery is done on top of the base fabric.
Shadow embroidery
3. Bench Embroidery Lace
Bench embroidery lace is a type of embroidery that has lace for clothes or tablecloths and others.
This type of embroidery is made on a small round bench, so it is called in lace lace.
The cables used tend to be smooth and small.
Embroidered lace bench
4. Ribbon Embroidery
Ribbon embroidery uses ribbons of different sizes and thicknesses.
This embroidery uses embroidery needles or mattress needles that have large wire holes.
Ribbon knitting embroidery
The types of embroidery that are still done for generations by the people of West Sumatra are embroidery, shadow embroidery, and lace embroidery. Meanwhile, knitted embroidery, prophets and ribbon sullam are performed by many people in other areas, including residents of Jakarta. Currently, women have started to feel the benefits of embroidery, namely the cost of recreation and stress relief from daily work routines.
However, not only that, but also most people embroider because of their love for this activity.